Is your future college student thinking about the many ways their daily life will change when they go to college?

College today comes with new and unexpected scenarios that your child will run into,

and have to deal with by themselves.


The scenarios college students deal with themselves on a daily basis may be uncharted territory but they don't have to be unexpected.

"Any time my sons want to have friends visit us during the summer, I say “yes” under one condition - I get them for one game night on the porch. This past year, my son and his friends, rising college freshman, joined me for Option Play - somewhat reluctantly. Once the game started, the conversation, debate and laughter picked up and no one was looking to finish early. After the first few cards were drawn, I decided to leave them alone, so they could freely discuss potential situations and how they might react" (Kelly, Mom of rising College Freshman).

"Playing OPTION PLAY was great exposure to something that I wouldn’t otherwise have been thinking about right now" (Moshab, High School Senior)

"Playing was a great way for students to get into the college mindset and it was fantastic to see them so engaged! Several students asked me if the game would be available in the college office so they could continue thinking about scenarios. I was happy to tell them yes!" (Andi, High School Counselor).

Strategizing with peers is more valuable than just talking about them.

Option Play is an easy and fun way to do this.

"As a senior, it’s kind of really scary because I’m transitioning to college next year. I know it’s coming but I don’t really know what that entails. Being able to play this game with people my own age has shed light on the different experiences I’ll have, and my friends will have and how to deal with them" (Francesca, High School Senior).

After students play Option Play Conquer College, dealing with new scenarios in college will become second nature.


Genevieve invented Option Play: Conquer College to help High School Seniors, especially future first-generation college students, become familiar with situations they may encounter in a dorm on a campus. When High School students play this game with peers, it gives them a way of talking about what they know and don't know, leading them to think about more questions in a fun way. This course includes a how-to, a video of High School students playing the game, and an actual Option Play: Conquer College Game! Please note we need you to email us the address that you want your copy of Option Play Conquer College to be sent to [email protected].

Benefit #1: Option Play Conquer College gives players and their friends many ways of thinking about how they can navigate these different scenarios.

Benefit #2: Option Play Conquer College encourages collaboration and expands vocabulary.

Benefit #3: Option Play Conquer College gives parents an opportunity to start communicating with their children about independence.

The Option Play Conquer College Course...

1. Comes with a copy of the game + detailed instructions of how to play

2. Includes video High School student perspectives of going to college

3. A 20-minute Zoom Call with Genevieve.


Your Instructor

Genevieve Price-Griffin
Genevieve Price-Griffin

I'm Genevieve, and it's great to meet you.

Working hard every day when your heart's not in it sucks any enjoyment out of what you're doing. How many times have you been told how important it's for you to have a passion, right before they tell you to stop doing things you like doing.

I know about getting caught up in what should be done so the next step of the usual plan will happen, with myself and also the young people in my life.

When you spend even a few minutes of doing something you truly enjoy, it's hard to go back to the grind.

That can look like a lack of focus when in fact it's a lack of knowing how to synthesize your passion with the non-negotiables of your education life.

I'd like to hear about your daily life, and the direction you'd like to head toward. Yes, you are a young adult and the direction you'd like to head can also be described as having goals.

There's nothing wrong with having goals. It's important that they're your goals.

Knowing who you are, and how you live your daily life helps you stay in the lane so you can reach the destination you decide on.

Let me help you discover your best self, and clarify your goals. It's going to lead to knowing the benefits of the hard work you do,

Let's get a conversation started....

Frequently Asked Questions

Can High Schools and organizations like PTA's or after-school College Prep programs purchase Option Play tools in bulk?
Yes, send an email to funtoplay@smallstepsgoplaces with the subject line "Option Play tools for my organization" If you like information about just the tools themselves or additional support for using the game, please be sure to mention that as well in the body of the email.
How can I have a brief free chat with Genevieve?
Reach out to [email protected] in order to get a chat link.

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